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Friday, November 8, 2013

Pengalaman melahirkan Rizq Batricia @ KPMC - Kajang Plaza Medical Center

Day 19th of my confinement baru nak share the sweetest most painful story of my life- delivering my 1st baby...
I mmg nk share the story of giving birth kat KPMC ni.. As bfore i deliver, jenuh dok mengGoogle pengalaman bersalin nie.. Mmg nk tau sgt2..
Until the very last day nk deliver tu pon, im still in between nk pergi Hosp sg buloh or KPMC..
Seriously, i mmg admire Prof. Jamil.. And byk good review psl dia.. And thanks to my manager en.remy yg refer prof jamil..as both of his children doc jamil yg sambut n thousands of people ckp beranak 4-5 pon doc jamil yg sambut..

Ok as i story earlier, i da overdue, and im super worried.. 
My EDD on 16th oct, doc jamil ckp, klu x sakit or x pech ketuban dtg next appointment on 17th..
On 17th doc check bukaan tuuut..utk pertama kalinya my miss V disentuh lelaki bkn suamiku.. Malu T_T..
Ok doc ckp "masih x terbuka lagi"...keciwa mendengarnya.. Ye lah mane tau dpt deliver mlm jumaat.. Kan hari yg baik...so doc suruh dtg next monday.. Tp he's so seriously remind us to come at 9am.. Slalunye x pulAk dia mcmtu..
So that weekend mmg ada sakit perot mengeras tu.. Tp kdg2 ilang.. N xda air or drh kuar pon... Monday morning, after solat subuh, hubby tanya.. "So ayg, r we going to see doc jamil or Gov Hosp? I really hope u deliver kt KPMC, seriously"while he hug me.. N i know he really mean it..
Ok, i pon x sanggup my miss v di tgk oleh i donno who.. N why not dgr ckp suami...
Again.. Doc jamil check miss v.."masih x terbuka lagi" then my hubby ckp "oh mcm mana ni doc, sy da x sanggup tgk bini sy sakit",
Doc jmil reply.. "Ok admit wArd pg ni"..
N i was like ??????
Tiber2 trus nangis... Nerves...
Then we proceed to the counter tanya package(which actually da tau, buat2 tanye lagi) byr depo rm 500.. Masuk bilik..
Since bilik yg single tu penuh, dia suruh masuk yg 3 bedded kejap.. Ok..
So my hub trus inform mama, papa, mak n ayah n x tau la sapa lg.. Koz my feet dah x on the ground...
So masuk je ward ada patient with cute baby girl.. Pastu sempat je tNye.. NormAl ke? Sakit x?.. Akak tu reply- normal.. Sekejap je sejam mcm tu da deliver...- dlm hati- oh ok insyallah ak normal.. Jgn la c-sec ya Allah

Dlm kul 11 mcm tu nurse dtg , msukkn ubat induce melalui my Miss v.. Then i ckp kt nurse tu... "Nurse, sakitnye"
Nurse tu ckp"sakit? Nie bru bunga dik, nk bersalin lg sakit.. Nk jd ibu nie kene kuat dik ye"..
Ok bru bunga..
Then they pasang la alat yg monitor heartbeat n contraction.. My highst contraction time tu 30 je.. Oh sakit yg ku rasa selama ini tu mild contraction rupenye..n baby still sihat n active.. My hubs hold my hand.. Memberi semangat...after 1 hour.. Im happily eat my lunch.. Ayam masak kicap.. Sedap..
Time ni, kak long (My SIL) n busu dah dtg.. Dorg gelak2 tgk my contraction 0.. Haha..kol 1 mcmtu pindah bilik yg dipesan... Fuhh not bad.. Ok la selesa..
So, as org ckp, dont just lay down but keep walking bg sng bkk.. Oh lupe, masa induce nurse tu ckp "masih x terbukak lagi", n it takes kdg2 sampai esok pg pon belom tentu bkk..ok..so rilek la..
So pukul 2 ada la rasa mcm sakit perot nk berak.. So i keep berak koz xnk terberak mse deliver..
Ke hulu ke hilir i jln, da pukol 3 tu.. Rasa nk berak yg sgt sakit di perotku..mase ni mak mentua, ayah mentua da dtg.. Dorg suruh duduk, i duduk kejap, husband dtg dekat, i trus pelok dia, nanges n ckp "abg, ayg da x thn.. Sakitnyeee"
Busu trus panggil nurse.. Nurse msuk, my hub stay hold my hand.. Nurse check bukaan "oh da 2cm.., kejap ye kite pecahkan ketuban" pastu tgk dia bwk mcm stick pnjg pembaris pnjg tuh.. Oh ni ke moment yg sakit pecah ketuban tu.. Takutnye..so dia mcm cucuk someting kat lobang bontot ku, pecahkn ketuban.. Panas je rase.. Tp perotku rasa sakit gler yg same mcm td.. Nurse suruh berak, tp jgn teran..
I berak ditemani hub.. Bole dia buat lawak.. Ayg berak busok.. Tergelak plak aku dlm sakit2 tu...
Pastu trus naik wheelchair g labour room...nurse cek lg bukaan.. "Da 6cm"
Ouih, copat plak.. Bru kol 3.30..bkn 1 hr 1 cm??ok wtv..i da menderita sakit.. Contraction baru plg tgi 60..tp average mcm 30-40..nurse ckp biasenye 50..n it can high up to 100...
Haa?? Sakit gler kot..menangis2 da.. Air selusuh, air akar fatimah.. X henti2 minum.. My hub setiap tgnnya di cengkam olehku.. Surah maryam kami buka tanpa henti.. Itulah kali kedua ku melihat air mata suamiku mengalir..yg menguatkn semmgat ku..tp sempat lg make jokes.. Kiter da beli stroller tricia.. Nanti boleh bwk tricia jln2..gelak sambil mengalir air mataku.. Mana papa.. Mana mama.. Mama masuk LR trus mintak ampun, papa masuk pon trus mintk ampun..kucupan mama papa pon rase sayu sgt...
Kol 5.30 i da x thn gler koz mmg rase mcm nk terkeluar sesangat da.. Sampai i mengiring.. N terpikir lgi 5 jam ke nk tgu 10 cm?? Mati lah mmg da x thn.. Nurse masuk.. Cek lg.."da 9cm!, ok biler rase sakit tu u teran, jgn angkat pongong" sambil dia psg bende kat kaki.. N biler tgk doc jamil msuk.. Lega..please save me doc..nurse suruh angkat kepala sikit.. So hub pon hold my shoulder, hug me.. N x henti baca laailaantasubhanakainnikuntuminazolimin.. ..ak menraumg2 baca kuat.. Sambil push.. Dua kali push.. Rasa mcm da kuar.. Pastu doc ckp," ambik vakum"..
Buat je la ape pun.. Aku redha...nurse ckp push.. X sakit pon push..
So i push sekuat hati... Terasa la mcm jalabak kuar benda licin...tgk jam 5.50pm.. Dgr suara baby.. Ya allah lega... Alhamdulillah.. Bler tgk nurse bwk kuar baby g cuci, ya allah anak aku!
Then tanya hub.. Laki ke pompuan??
Haa?? Dia blur.. Tanye nurse yg tgal, "ha lupa nk tgk" so hub pon kuar g tgk.. Dia bwk baby.. Bby girl.. Alhamdulillah..pastu doc da abis jahit.. X de plak rase pa pe mcm yg org ckp sakit jahit lg dr sakit bersalin...
Ya allah alhamdulillah... 2 jam lebih jer rasa sakit gler2 tuh... N i will never forget jelingan pertama anakku..trus menetek ok.. Sweet sgt...
People around me..yg support me esp my husband yg x tgalknku walau sesaat..mama papa mak ayah busu yg kuar masuk LR bg support.. Mmg x leh lupe.. N thanks to doc jamil n nurse yg help me safely deliver my baby..

So guys out there yg x decide nk bersalin mana.. Im highly recommend KPMC-prof Jamil..my mom pon ckp.. Mmg doc tu terror.. Simple je n cpt buat keputusan...20 mnt jer in total dia sambut rizq batricia ku..
So silalah ke website kpmc.com.my nak tau package..

P/s; syukur.. Kata2 org ckp klu kt hosp sg. Buloh kene tgu kat kusi je.. X bgi katil tu before ke labor room dah hilang dr ingatanku..syukur dgn kurniaan rezeki mu ya allah..

The love of my life

Updated from my iphone

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Alhamdulillah..Rizq Batricia safely arrived!

Alhamdulillah... Rizq Batricia selamat dilahirkan secara normal pada 21.10.2013, isnin, 5.50 ptg @ KPMC, Kajang..

Here's our lil' family <3

Lots of love,
Updated from iphone

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Long silence-I'm expecting new family soon!

Hye guys...
Testing 123...
Ok let's skip the whole year of my wedding story.. As now im happily married and expecting a baby very soon which i hv overdue 3 days from my EDD..
It's ok... Maybe she's enjoying the futsal or bowling or swimming inside mamy's tummy..whether he or she, the baby want to suprise mamy n dady.. Fair enough..
It's been 4 days i didnt go to work.. 
Im totally lazy for work as im overdue.. Im just too excited for the baby to come out.. I just don't care about the labour pain or wtv.. Mamy n dady just too excited about u baby...

When people ask when the baby comin out.. It making me stress out! Haih..
Stop asking ok?? Im the one becoming a parent, not u!


So wat did i do while im on mc?? 
Yes! It's hard to believe isn't?
People said u hav to walk alot.. Which i definitely don't do park! They're hot and making me sweat!
So, i always enjoy shopppinggg!
So everyone was like
" larat ke jln2"
Definitely yes!!
I think my shopping list all done!! Eventho there are few things we left it to shop it after the baby pops out!
Hahaha... Hamek kau.. Geramss sgt.. X tau nak wat pe.. 

Haih baby syg mamy.. Cpt kuar ye.. Smua x saba nk jumpe baby nie...
Tgk je muke mamy n dady.. Excited kan??


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hola..Quick Updates!!

It's been a while since I've check-in-to this blog!!
What a FiSh!..Well ya I know..It's been a busy day of my life..
workin hard **was it really hard??or hanging out so hard??** =P
Yes I admit it..always have that Blogging Ideas playin on my mind..but i jus don't!
OK now I'm back just to share some lil' tiny minie story of my life..okies..

Rite..about one month to go to take off "fionce" title away and I'll be officially a WIFEY?
Really?Honestly 78.8% excited and partly feel kinda nervous to think of how does my wedding gna be like?
Is it a shweet lovey dovey wedding?
or is it gna be like an out-dated-Granny wedding?
Or is it gna be just a wedding??
I dunno...
All I know is one of the best thing that will remain forever..
is that TIE.the.KNOT of me n my HoneyDeW Fionce

Tmr I'm gna do my first fitting..I'm a lil' bit nervous....
with that Granny stitch-embroidery-TV Cover material or we call it PRADA/GuiPUre lace..
Combination with Table-Cloth-Lycra *for real?Yeah!Crazy isn't?

Wedding Theme?Please don't even ask!!
Seriously I Mean it!
I gotta say most likely this wedding are just 5% of what i dream of!

Wedding Card??By next Week..InsyaAllah will start to invite people officially!!
**When i was a lil' girl,,Always have this dream of Inviting people by visiting their home 
**with hottie look of Kim Kardashian n driving BMW sport??
and for real??FB RSVP- good enough isn't?

D.a.I.S - English Garden with bling2 glamour but simple look??

Shoe-Still thinking of 5 inch cinderella  platform heelS!perfect for me**of being shortie and wide!
But sadly saying that I'll be taller than my Prince..
So?No kitty heels!I hate it! minimum is 4 inch!
I'll figure it out later..

And ya not forgetting,,I'm now playing Gym,,Crazy isn't?
Not that Crazy of losing weight,,But Spending on Unnecessary Stuff!
It's been 3 weeks havn't been to the GYM!
I only love the Sauna and Steam room..the rest..Hate it!
But For 1 month of workout..I've loose 3 kgs**Dun expect so much as I still look the same!**Sigh*
Shud I Thanks my PT*Personal Trainer* or is Shud I thank myself of wasting my penny's?
And now in Silent mode of Rejecting my  PT Incoming Call!

Speaking of Unnecessary Expenses..
I've just Awarded my Baybee Neo With New Sport 'Shoes'!
17"!awesome!u look gorgeous baybee!

And not forgeting..my oh my money flying away for Roadtax & Insurance for Neo Baybee aso!

Yup..and all that  happen in One Month!
Another Month to go..what's gna happen now??
BrideZellA Mood comin on my way..oh noo o!!

and ya..I'm dedicating special LOVE for newly Born Baby Hilary Duff!
Wish that Life of Suhilary is fantastico as Hilary..


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Weddin my Besties~intanorazam @ Kuantan

Hye gurls.....
As everybody know,,byk sgt wedding in Oct kan??I regret sgt2 x dpt nak g wedding my besties si gojes azam@intan, last  two weeks..when I see the picture..homaigod..It's dream come true wedding..everytin is sooooo shweeeettt...I love every single thing about her weddin and I know every single thing itu adalah titik peluh azam...berbaloi2!!

Tp last weekend I dpt gak g wedding azam wit my Love fionce..hehe eventho mjlis belah laki pon x per lah...
Once i tgk azam, Im speechless felt like crying seriously,,but I'm not!cover la..make up tebal..hihihi..
sampai gak hajat I nak g weddin azam,,I swear to god I mmg x leh tdo koz  mis wedding dia tau..now lega sgt2..n ske sgt2 eventho dpt jumpe azam kejap je..n gamba pon seketol  je..itu  pun abg syg amek kan...

cantik kan??berseri2 kan??I plak peluh2 nak cair mekap tahan panas...x tau la mcm mane nanti jadi pengantin.SUE!! I wish tat I can be as pretty as her during my big day nanti..eee x saba nye nak kawennnnnn..baju nikah i sebijik kaler bju azam tau...

nie gamba I bler jumper azam..macam nak nanes kan??emo je kan??nie I amek kat blog azam...My hubby ade tercelit ctet kat blkg I yg rambut spikey tuh..hihihi.
Azam is a very spesel fren of mine...She is one of a kind...I thot I left Kuantan for good and will never return..
but,THESE are the small pieces left in my heart...
She is my hsemate yg sgt best tat thot me byk sgt about life yg I x pnh tau..
She has a very kind heart, and pandai masak!abes la Sari gemok pasnie!.
same goes to my other hsemate kat Kuantan..cik Rose...Dowg telah gv me semngat bekobar2 utk meralisasikan our dream wedding jd kenyataan eventho kte nie bkn artis!
and not forgotten azam n rose train i jd bini org!hehe blaja masak..n plg best I blk KL wajib msk smbl ikan bilis ijau meletop tuh!ohh,,windu plak kat dowg!!
Cam x caye je tgk azam da slamat jd isteri org kan???hehe..pasni Rose plak..pastu I!InsyaAllah...
Doa I untuk kwn I yg sweet sgt nie..Semoga Azam n Sari Diberi ketabahan mengahdapi suka duka berumah tangga dan bahagia selama-lama-lama nya!!

Since Azam je da halal, n we both x halal lg, x leh la g kuantan tu ske2 je nak holiday sewa hotel,,
darah manes la katakan,nak balik hari cam x best kan?so afta makan Ana Ikan Bakar Petai (Wajib Ok! eventho da kenyang makan kat kenduri Azam!)Oh ye makan kenduri azam mmg best! nasik dier mmg I ske gler..n bole x, nak blk baru kitorang perasan kitorang mkn kat kemah perempuan sahaja!baru tnampak signboard kemah pompuan laki asing!!haha,,patot la smua pndg pelik n makcik2 jer kat kemah kitowg..hahahaha

Then pas beli kopok leko smuer da kenyang mkn sotong calamari ana ikan bakar petai..then kitowg g umah newly weds sedara my Love,,kebetulan dok kat mentakab, pahang,,dowg baru jer dpt baby,so kitowg nk melawat baby dowg merangkap nk tompang tdo free,,,hihihi..

Sweet x gamba nie??Best tau baby Mawi n Ina,,name dier baby ain..chumey n plg best x byk ragam,,x nanges pon..tau la i nie phobia ctet ngn baby,,tatot sgt baby nanges,,tp ngn Ain nie mcm ada chemistry plak..mmg berkepit je i ngn baby ain nie..hehe..first time dpt jage baby,,n baby tu senyap jer..
n bler tgk gamba nie..HOMAIGOD..Suhailla!!!please workout!!!u look like a mother of three!!!Oh NOOO!!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

pretty on it's own way~

morning ols~
wow,i've just woke up and look at my blog..it's empty doh..
what do u think of BEAUTIFUL?
Am I pretty?
are u pretty?
is she pretty?
Is Hilary duff pretty?yup gorgeous!
Is Rozita Che Wan pretty?Damn Hot!

Sometimes when I felt beautiful,,i felt confident...
when I'm putting up make up,, i felt pretty   and confident..
when I'm naked, I felt like god I'm the ugly beast,,like a maid walking in the bazaar!..
eeeuuww..at least cinderella stiil look charming with ugly clothes!

I still remember I'd always have this dream of...
"When I'm working,,I wanna have a job that can cover my "beauty expenses""
Such as..my make up,,my beauty cream, can go to see Dermatologist and  have a Vitamin C injection! to get rid off all of my acne scars!! that is the most important..
But then,,life is not as beautiful as u imagine....
I'm now focusing to get married..so forget all that!
I don't wanna wear 80's clown gown on my big day..
no no no...BIG NO..

But now I'm still thinking what is beauty about..
Always ask my Hubby.2be,,
"Am I pretty?"
and he saids.."pretty!u are fair like soy's bean!"
"what about my skin?"
"aaa that?ur skin felt like.."(I start to pinch him already!hahaha)

Ok2,,enough ok,,starting from today once a week let's do facial!
yup i promise myself!
My lil' sis had a business on spa,, and i just mislook at it?
come on suhailla!don't be a cheapskate! 
20 bucks only!

and guys,,don't u think it's cool to be pretty as barbie doll?
u can wear anything but still look pretty?
what do u think????????????

Happy weekends....

Monday, August 22, 2011

Panggilan "ABANG", wajib ke?

Hello ladies,,
Tonite topic.. Pnggilan Abg..korg pgil BF?HUbby korg abg ke??
nowadays i raser jarang sekali dgr panggilan tu kan?

I think lelaki-lelaki tulen melayu kat luar sana tentu mengidamkan bini tersayang panggil Abang walaupun mayb same umor or bini lagi tua kan??

Klu nak teringat balik,,mase mula2 I kapel with my hubby.2.be,,
eventho he's livin in LA,, he ask me to call him ABG..
OMG, I swear to god..I punyer pitching mmg lari,,mmg x ikhlas langsung..like i didn't mean it at all..
terbelit pusing2 lidah i, and i raser dekat 5 minit mcm tu i gelak klu my hubby2be ckp abg-abg-ayg nie..
btul,,at certain stage tat time,,which i'm so girlie,time tgh nak grow up,,mmg x le trime,,to me mende ni sounds like so kampung..i slalu ckp i shud kol my husband I - U mcm tu..haha..tah pa pe tah...
and peliknyer..mmg abg i, kkk i, adek i smue pon mcm tuh,,mmg kne bahan habes la klu terdengar abg-abg-syg nie..ish ish..

I ske pgil cinta syg i tu SYG,,sbb i raser itu panggilan dr hati i..
tp 1 thing about me,,i oversensitive..maklumlah..1st love (& it's gna be Last!ameen!)
mula2 dulu,,kitowg agree la nak pgil Syg-ayg kot klu i x silap,,,,
then pada satu pagi,, he woke me up,,n kol me SUE,,
u tau i nanges bengkak2 mata! thot that he didnt love me anymore..
so start from that moment we all x tetapkan dah nak panggil ape..
all come from our heart,,nak pgil love ke,,pumpkins ke,,syg ke,,cookies ke,,honeydew ke..bubu ke..baybee ke...
except ABG..mmg lidah I kelu...

as time goes on...Allah bukakkan hati I kot,,
lepas tunang,,I x tau nape,,tp lembut je lidah i nak pgil Abg...
Abg tau..btul,,n perasaan i lain sgt..
I rase mcm I respect him as he's goin to take care of me forever,,
as I'm belong to him,,tah la,,btul,,I ske pgil cinta saye tu Abg..
x raser kampong pon..btul..raser mcm besh sgt mcm da kawen je klu kat public kan??
koz da pakai cincin batu,pakai emas,inai pon x ilang lagi dr tunang aritu..
hehe,,so mmg best la..
Sbb saya makin sayang abang!

abgku syg....

those time when i can't call u abg....
Many peeps ask me wht does 'A' ,means..n i said..angle!jht kan?
Actually it means Afiq..yup..that d first gift he gave me on our 1st date..
he order n specially design it for me from LA tau..hehe 

PS: I slalu blur,klu kwn2 keje or u ckp - eh abg u kje ape? or x g kuar ngan abg ke?
n i dgn slamber thot why they were askin on my real brother..but then oohh abg syg itu ker...huhuhuhu

dah jum tdo!mimpi cinderalla story!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mini Dais for my engagement day..

Hey babes...
I know my bad that i didn't share anything on my e-day..as everybody is sharing their memorable days together all in B2b blog..Honestly, by reading all of the B2b blog out there,,,It helps me alot...seriously..
Like how to be more serious on getting married,,,and it's not tat easy as u prepare ur birthday partay..
thanks to all b2b..love ur blog,,and please keep share all those shweet unforgettable experience,,,

Suddenly I thot,,
I'd rather buy expensive branded bag tat last for 5 years than buying cheap bag(300 time cheaper maybe) tat can last for 1 month?!
I'm paying for good stuff and good quality...
Is this applicable to wedding as well??

I dunno..I just don't want to waste any penny at all..seriously..

As for my engagement, I only started to really seriously plan it like a month before..
and for my mini dais??like one nite before!!!!yes!please believe it!
thanx to my lil' sis,,i think is really pretty n shweett..thank darlin!

Before my engagement my mak.2.be did ask me wheather there will be any pelamin or not..since she said she kinda shy as she and i will the highlight for that day..hehe..
Then I said: misti la der,,t x best la x le tgkp gamba,,simple2 je..hik hik"
i dont want to spend a lot on my dais..so I've used wtv we have at home and bring back to kampong..
my lil' sis make it..climb the ladder to nailed the curtain right on the highest part of the ceiling, so it won't look ugly if u can see the brown-wood-wall..so not into my color!hihi...

I've choose rite in the middle of the hse as u walk into the hse u can see the nice lay out pelamin..
hehe..it's like two storey high...
and the sunlisght is focus on my dais,,so that "berseri2"!..
however there is some pic kinda dark as so many people takin my pix during the "sarungkan cincin" part..

my lil' sis love to do the scallop..as she just learned how to do it..and took the extra "paper rose flower" mama made it for my hantaran...and i think it's so sexy and brilliant to put it in between the scallop..nice rite..

As for the mini stage we use like bed pad..and cover with small folded single mattress and again covered with extra lining from my engagement dress!haha..then my sis nailed it on the bed pad..

and rite after they called my officially fiance to come in..he's salam all my uncle's and dad and straight come to me and SIT NEXT TO ME!!..

can u believe it!he's so nervous and he forget this is not solemnization but an engagement!
and he whispered to me "syg,knape kecik sgt pelamin nie?"
Wat? I thot u said no need pelamin at all??

Hahaha,,but's turn out to be ok..and everybody laugh and it's kinda break the ice rite??
all people say.." haa,jgn dekat2,,kene ctet trus nikah!"

That's my lil' story on my mini dais...maybe when i have time I'll share on other things...
Like my friend said.."seje cter pasal tunang,,nak amek mood kawen"...
maybe pasni i pukul my own ontot so tat jgn mls2 nak prepare wedding!..g JOGGING!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


hey ladies.......

Saje je suka suki nak letak this pix..
So in love...
Look alike??on the cheek part maybe..please don't close up as u can see I'm sweating rite on my forehead!
nite! =)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Happy Birthday to me!!

hye hottie babes!!..
110811 is my 24th bday!!!yups...
I'm old enof to get married  aite??
is there anybody out there been married yesterday??
I've juz realize,,it's 110811,,wat a hot number rite?
it could only happen in 100 years??wow!!hopefully 24th is a great year for me...
As Mohamad Afiq's Fiance....
Actually I've notice the date (110811) when Im takin my fiance to clinic..he's got into motobike accident..
told him I hate motobike..it's too risky..and I couldn't imagine if... (STOP IT!!)
Alhamdulillah,,he's OK,,juz some body ache...

OK let's just forget about it,,yet Im still happy as I fall in love with him again!!..
I swear to god my fiance he's not dat romantic lovey dovey kind a guy..
But he's really sweet..n wtv he done for me,it's from his heart,,an he meant it...

So,,as for me,,I'm livin in fairy tale love,,always hope for romantic dinner,roses,he open the door for me..all sort of faries stories...hmmm..
Not to put hope so much,, I just act normal tat day...
after we went to clinic, he saids he needs to see his fren urgently...

Hubbe.2.Be: Syg, I need to see my friend urgently..
Me: Why?is it sumtin to do wit ur work..
Hubee.2be.: yeah,,sumtin like tat..
Me:just tell me about it..
Hubby to be.: i'll tell u afta I met my friend..
Me:let me c ur phone
Hubby.2be: No syg!! please respect me!
Me:wat are trying to hide from me?can't u just spit it out!tell me! Is this more important than me??what more important than me??
Hubby.2me: Im begging please,after I see my friend, I promise will tell u everything,,please just be patient..
Me: ok, but u hv to park car rite in front of ur friend..
Hubby: No sorry can't do that..
Me:Is it a girl?????
Hubby.2 be: it's a guy! I swear...

Then I put trust on him..I just wait in the car..deep inside my heart,, I thot hope sneaking him,,but it's seems like I doubt him.No!I'm not gna do that coz I trust Him!..
After like 20 minutes..felt falling sleep already..somebody knocking on my door,,
Then he said..
"happy birthday honey!"
lookin at the roses he gave me!!
there are six of them..symbol of our love,,6 years 2gether!
n there I go agains..tears runnin over my mascara...

So sweet of u syg!seriously I would never expect of this!!tq so much...
then he took me to watch movie..and we went to chili's..
god damn perfect...Good food,,good service,,and perfect views!in front of lake with the sunset view..
I swear to god..I always dream of this moment in my fairy tale diaries!!
Always wanna c sunset with my Love!
I've got it on my 24th birthday as his Fiance!

Thanks for being everything to me,,
happy n sorrow..
Nobody in this world can take ur place,,
as u r the only one in my heart..
I will always love u 4ever n ever..

please click to read his shweeet bday wishes!!....heeeeeee..

sygku buchuk.guess what, it's ur bday honey, and i hope i can make your dreams come true, but part of me say i already do, thats dream u been dream on has come true bcoz it already filled with love and happiness that we go true started the first time we met,i'll never forget our sweet and bad memorized, syg ur love and care, has built my world without you,i'm not me, so wish u a very happy birthday n our love will keep stronger until the end and forever honey...:=)

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