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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Weddin my Besties~intanorazam @ Kuantan

Hye gurls.....
As everybody know,,byk sgt wedding in Oct kan??I regret sgt2 x dpt nak g wedding my besties si gojes azam@intan, last  two weeks..when I see the picture..homaigod..It's dream come true wedding..everytin is sooooo shweeeettt...I love every single thing about her weddin and I know every single thing itu adalah titik peluh azam...berbaloi2!!

Tp last weekend I dpt gak g wedding azam wit my Love fionce..hehe eventho mjlis belah laki pon x per lah...
Once i tgk azam, Im speechless felt like crying seriously,,but I'm not!cover la..make up tebal..hihihi..
sampai gak hajat I nak g weddin azam,,I swear to god I mmg x leh tdo koz  mis wedding dia tau..now lega sgt2..n ske sgt2 eventho dpt jumpe azam kejap je..n gamba pon seketol  je..itu  pun abg syg amek kan...

cantik kan??berseri2 kan??I plak peluh2 nak cair mekap tahan panas...x tau la mcm mane nanti jadi pengantin.SUE!! I wish tat I can be as pretty as her during my big day nanti..eee x saba nye nak kawennnnnn..baju nikah i sebijik kaler bju azam tau...

nie gamba I bler jumper azam..macam nak nanes kan??emo je kan??nie I amek kat blog azam...My hubby ade tercelit ctet kat blkg I yg rambut spikey tuh..hihihi.
Azam is a very spesel fren of mine...She is one of a kind...I thot I left Kuantan for good and will never return..
but,THESE are the small pieces left in my heart...
She is my hsemate yg sgt best tat thot me byk sgt about life yg I x pnh tau..
She has a very kind heart, and pandai masak!abes la Sari gemok pasnie!.
same goes to my other hsemate kat Kuantan..cik Rose...Dowg telah gv me semngat bekobar2 utk meralisasikan our dream wedding jd kenyataan eventho kte nie bkn artis!
and not forgotten azam n rose train i jd bini org!hehe blaja masak..n plg best I blk KL wajib msk smbl ikan bilis ijau meletop tuh!ohh,,windu plak kat dowg!!
Cam x caye je tgk azam da slamat jd isteri org kan???hehe..pasni Rose plak..pastu I!InsyaAllah...
Doa I untuk kwn I yg sweet sgt nie..Semoga Azam n Sari Diberi ketabahan mengahdapi suka duka berumah tangga dan bahagia selama-lama-lama nya!!

Since Azam je da halal, n we both x halal lg, x leh la g kuantan tu ske2 je nak holiday sewa hotel,,
darah manes la katakan,nak balik hari cam x best kan?so afta makan Ana Ikan Bakar Petai (Wajib Ok! eventho da kenyang makan kat kenduri Azam!)Oh ye makan kenduri azam mmg best! nasik dier mmg I ske gler..n bole x, nak blk baru kitorang perasan kitorang mkn kat kemah perempuan sahaja!baru tnampak signboard kemah pompuan laki asing!!haha,,patot la smua pndg pelik n makcik2 jer kat kemah kitowg..hahahaha

Then pas beli kopok leko smuer da kenyang mkn sotong calamari ana ikan bakar petai..then kitowg g umah newly weds sedara my Love,,kebetulan dok kat mentakab, pahang,,dowg baru jer dpt baby,so kitowg nk melawat baby dowg merangkap nk tompang tdo free,,,hihihi..

Sweet x gamba nie??Best tau baby Mawi n Ina,,name dier baby ain..chumey n plg best x byk ragam,,x nanges pon..tau la i nie phobia ctet ngn baby,,tatot sgt baby nanges,,tp ngn Ain nie mcm ada chemistry plak..mmg berkepit je i ngn baby ain nie..hehe..first time dpt jage baby,,n baby tu senyap jer..
n bler tgk gamba nie..HOMAIGOD..Suhailla!!!please workout!!!u look like a mother of three!!!Oh NOOO!!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

pretty on it's own way~

morning ols~
wow,i've just woke up and look at my blog..it's empty doh..
what do u think of BEAUTIFUL?
Am I pretty?
are u pretty?
is she pretty?
Is Hilary duff pretty?yup gorgeous!
Is Rozita Che Wan pretty?Damn Hot!

Sometimes when I felt beautiful,,i felt confident...
when I'm putting up make up,, i felt pretty   and confident..
when I'm naked, I felt like god I'm the ugly beast,,like a maid walking in the bazaar!..
eeeuuww..at least cinderella stiil look charming with ugly clothes!

I still remember I'd always have this dream of...
"When I'm working,,I wanna have a job that can cover my "beauty expenses""
Such as..my make up,,my beauty cream, can go to see Dermatologist and  have a Vitamin C injection! to get rid off all of my acne scars!! that is the most important..
But then,,life is not as beautiful as u imagine....
I'm now focusing to get married..so forget all that!
I don't wanna wear 80's clown gown on my big day..
no no no...BIG NO..

But now I'm still thinking what is beauty about..
Always ask my Hubby.2be,,
"Am I pretty?"
and he saids.."pretty!u are fair like soy's bean!"
"what about my skin?"
"aaa that?ur skin felt like.."(I start to pinch him already!hahaha)

Ok2,,enough ok,,starting from today once a week let's do facial!
yup i promise myself!
My lil' sis had a business on spa,, and i just mislook at it?
come on suhailla!don't be a cheapskate! 
20 bucks only!

and guys,,don't u think it's cool to be pretty as barbie doll?
u can wear anything but still look pretty?
what do u think????????????

Happy weekends....

Monday, August 22, 2011

Panggilan "ABANG", wajib ke?

Hello ladies,,
Tonite topic.. Pnggilan Abg..korg pgil BF?HUbby korg abg ke??
nowadays i raser jarang sekali dgr panggilan tu kan?

I think lelaki-lelaki tulen melayu kat luar sana tentu mengidamkan bini tersayang panggil Abang walaupun mayb same umor or bini lagi tua kan??

Klu nak teringat balik,,mase mula2 I kapel with my hubby.2.be,,
eventho he's livin in LA,, he ask me to call him ABG..
OMG, I swear to god..I punyer pitching mmg lari,,mmg x ikhlas langsung..like i didn't mean it at all..
terbelit pusing2 lidah i, and i raser dekat 5 minit mcm tu i gelak klu my hubby2be ckp abg-abg-ayg nie..
btul,,at certain stage tat time,,which i'm so girlie,time tgh nak grow up,,mmg x le trime,,to me mende ni sounds like so kampung..i slalu ckp i shud kol my husband I - U mcm tu..haha..tah pa pe tah...
and peliknyer..mmg abg i, kkk i, adek i smue pon mcm tuh,,mmg kne bahan habes la klu terdengar abg-abg-syg nie..ish ish..

I ske pgil cinta syg i tu SYG,,sbb i raser itu panggilan dr hati i..
tp 1 thing about me,,i oversensitive..maklumlah..1st love (& it's gna be Last!ameen!)
mula2 dulu,,kitowg agree la nak pgil Syg-ayg kot klu i x silap,,,,
then pada satu pagi,, he woke me up,,n kol me SUE,,
u tau i nanges bengkak2 mata! thot that he didnt love me anymore..
so start from that moment we all x tetapkan dah nak panggil ape..
all come from our heart,,nak pgil love ke,,pumpkins ke,,syg ke,,cookies ke,,honeydew ke..bubu ke..baybee ke...
except ABG..mmg lidah I kelu...

as time goes on...Allah bukakkan hati I kot,,
lepas tunang,,I x tau nape,,tp lembut je lidah i nak pgil Abg...
Abg tau..btul,,n perasaan i lain sgt..
I rase mcm I respect him as he's goin to take care of me forever,,
as I'm belong to him,,tah la,,btul,,I ske pgil cinta saye tu Abg..
x raser kampong pon..btul..raser mcm besh sgt mcm da kawen je klu kat public kan??
koz da pakai cincin batu,pakai emas,inai pon x ilang lagi dr tunang aritu..
hehe,,so mmg best la..
Sbb saya makin sayang abang!

abgku syg....

those time when i can't call u abg....
Many peeps ask me wht does 'A' ,means..n i said..angle!jht kan?
Actually it means Afiq..yup..that d first gift he gave me on our 1st date..
he order n specially design it for me from LA tau..hehe 

PS: I slalu blur,klu kwn2 keje or u ckp - eh abg u kje ape? or x g kuar ngan abg ke?
n i dgn slamber thot why they were askin on my real brother..but then oohh abg syg itu ker...huhuhuhu

dah jum tdo!mimpi cinderalla story!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mini Dais for my engagement day..

Hey babes...
I know my bad that i didn't share anything on my e-day..as everybody is sharing their memorable days together all in B2b blog..Honestly, by reading all of the B2b blog out there,,,It helps me alot...seriously..
Like how to be more serious on getting married,,,and it's not tat easy as u prepare ur birthday partay..
thanks to all b2b..love ur blog,,and please keep share all those shweet unforgettable experience,,,

Suddenly I thot,,
I'd rather buy expensive branded bag tat last for 5 years than buying cheap bag(300 time cheaper maybe) tat can last for 1 month?!
I'm paying for good stuff and good quality...
Is this applicable to wedding as well??

I dunno..I just don't want to waste any penny at all..seriously..

As for my engagement, I only started to really seriously plan it like a month before..
and for my mini dais??like one nite before!!!!yes!please believe it!
thanx to my lil' sis,,i think is really pretty n shweett..thank darlin!

Before my engagement my mak.2.be did ask me wheather there will be any pelamin or not..since she said she kinda shy as she and i will the highlight for that day..hehe..
Then I said: misti la der,,t x best la x le tgkp gamba,,simple2 je..hik hik"
i dont want to spend a lot on my dais..so I've used wtv we have at home and bring back to kampong..
my lil' sis make it..climb the ladder to nailed the curtain right on the highest part of the ceiling, so it won't look ugly if u can see the brown-wood-wall..so not into my color!hihi...

I've choose rite in the middle of the hse as u walk into the hse u can see the nice lay out pelamin..
hehe..it's like two storey high...
and the sunlisght is focus on my dais,,so that "berseri2"!..
however there is some pic kinda dark as so many people takin my pix during the "sarungkan cincin" part..

my lil' sis love to do the scallop..as she just learned how to do it..and took the extra "paper rose flower" mama made it for my hantaran...and i think it's so sexy and brilliant to put it in between the scallop..nice rite..

As for the mini stage we use like bed pad..and cover with small folded single mattress and again covered with extra lining from my engagement dress!haha..then my sis nailed it on the bed pad..

and rite after they called my officially fiance to come in..he's salam all my uncle's and dad and straight come to me and SIT NEXT TO ME!!..

can u believe it!he's so nervous and he forget this is not solemnization but an engagement!
and he whispered to me "syg,knape kecik sgt pelamin nie?"
Wat? I thot u said no need pelamin at all??

Hahaha,,but's turn out to be ok..and everybody laugh and it's kinda break the ice rite??
all people say.." haa,jgn dekat2,,kene ctet trus nikah!"

That's my lil' story on my mini dais...maybe when i have time I'll share on other things...
Like my friend said.."seje cter pasal tunang,,nak amek mood kawen"...
maybe pasni i pukul my own ontot so tat jgn mls2 nak prepare wedding!..g JOGGING!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


hey ladies.......

Saje je suka suki nak letak this pix..
So in love...
Look alike??on the cheek part maybe..please don't close up as u can see I'm sweating rite on my forehead!
nite! =)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Happy Birthday to me!!

hye hottie babes!!..
110811 is my 24th bday!!!yups...
I'm old enof to get married  aite??
is there anybody out there been married yesterday??
I've juz realize,,it's 110811,,wat a hot number rite?
it could only happen in 100 years??wow!!hopefully 24th is a great year for me...
As Mohamad Afiq's Fiance....
Actually I've notice the date (110811) when Im takin my fiance to clinic..he's got into motobike accident..
told him I hate motobike..it's too risky..and I couldn't imagine if... (STOP IT!!)
Alhamdulillah,,he's OK,,juz some body ache...

OK let's just forget about it,,yet Im still happy as I fall in love with him again!!..
I swear to god my fiance he's not dat romantic lovey dovey kind a guy..
But he's really sweet..n wtv he done for me,it's from his heart,,an he meant it...

So,,as for me,,I'm livin in fairy tale love,,always hope for romantic dinner,roses,he open the door for me..all sort of faries stories...hmmm..
Not to put hope so much,, I just act normal tat day...
after we went to clinic, he saids he needs to see his fren urgently...

Hubbe.2.Be: Syg, I need to see my friend urgently..
Me: Why?is it sumtin to do wit ur work..
Hubee.2be.: yeah,,sumtin like tat..
Me:just tell me about it..
Hubby to be.: i'll tell u afta I met my friend..
Me:let me c ur phone
Hubby.2be: No syg!! please respect me!
Me:wat are trying to hide from me?can't u just spit it out!tell me! Is this more important than me??what more important than me??
Hubby.2me: Im begging please,after I see my friend, I promise will tell u everything,,please just be patient..
Me: ok, but u hv to park car rite in front of ur friend..
Hubby: No sorry can't do that..
Me:Is it a girl?????
Hubby.2 be: it's a guy! I swear...

Then I put trust on him..I just wait in the car..deep inside my heart,, I thot hope sneaking him,,but it's seems like I doubt him.No!I'm not gna do that coz I trust Him!..
After like 20 minutes..felt falling sleep already..somebody knocking on my door,,
Then he said..
"happy birthday honey!"
lookin at the roses he gave me!!
there are six of them..symbol of our love,,6 years 2gether!
n there I go agains..tears runnin over my mascara...

So sweet of u syg!seriously I would never expect of this!!tq so much...
then he took me to watch movie..and we went to chili's..
god damn perfect...Good food,,good service,,and perfect views!in front of lake with the sunset view..
I swear to god..I always dream of this moment in my fairy tale diaries!!
Always wanna c sunset with my Love!
I've got it on my 24th birthday as his Fiance!

Thanks for being everything to me,,
happy n sorrow..
Nobody in this world can take ur place,,
as u r the only one in my heart..
I will always love u 4ever n ever..

please click to read his shweeet bday wishes!!....heeeeeee..

sygku buchuk.guess what, it's ur bday honey, and i hope i can make your dreams come true, but part of me say i already do, thats dream u been dream on has come true bcoz it already filled with love and happiness that we go true started the first time we met,i'll never forget our sweet and bad memorized, syg ur love and care, has built my world without you,i'm not me, so wish u a very happy birthday n our love will keep stronger until the end and forever honey...:=)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why should I get married?

Hye peeps,,
here I am again in the middle of the nite talking to the wall.........
why do i say tat?????..to me this blog is like "the wall"..because wen ur heart hv a lot things to say,,and nobody could bare to really listen wht ur heartsay..So tat's y I've use to say,,I'd rather talk to the wall than talkin to peeps....which they can hear u but they never listen................

..Why am I talking like crap..like no excitement at all tat I'm gettin married...
Halo??Suhailla,,whats wrong with u???
well,,,hummm I dunno...too many things in my mind now,,,
I wish tat I could have everytin but,,i could only get either one...

So, why i wanna get married n live my life with one man??like forever??
I've used to think,,,when i felled in love..i wanna get married..n the rule is simple;
As simple as that...as if...
I wanna be a successful Scientist,,getting title Dr...up to me..
So do u..u can be a successful in ur career,,open bussiness u want,,go where ever u wanna go...
What i meant is that,, when I'm gettin married..i just wanna live with u,,and i still can chase my dream and so do you...So, this is what happiness mean to me...

Let's get married,,chasing our dream together,,be there for each other,,and always support each other...
and makin babies together (???????), and TAKING CARE BABIES ToGETHER....
Work for livin together,,DO HOUSE CHORES TOGETHER..
n..livin OLD TOGETHER...

This is perfect!..
That is why i wanna get married...not to runaway from my life..
I love my life as much as I hate them..but..it's me tho...
I wanna have a husband@soulmate@sleeping partner@BoyfrenForever who love me as much as i love him..
cooking for him,,making babies with him (?????)...taking care babies together,,work hard to live happy together...at the same time both of us successful in our career...tats all i want..
not $$$$.. I need $$$ to live not live for $$$$$.....

At certain point i feel like my life is perfect...
because of him...seriously..he complete me..totally...
he can understand me..all about me..the way I think and all that..
the thing is..our culture..our peeps..just can't accept that..
women has the same right as men does...
women can't get high edu, high paying job, Hell No!!

I've seen a lot of this..from peeps around me..
the wife..they sacrifice everything..taking care husband..children,,house,,work for living..and evrything until they've gone to bed..and wake up early in the morning..and another bz day..this will never stop..
I've seen My MOM(especially),,my colleagues..and I've learnt from them..that male species will never say thank and appreciate female species..why???why??and why???

rite guys..think about it..life is so mean to female...
hmmm..rite then..gtg to bed...so long..bye.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

life is not that beautiful.......

Hey all,

One said that,

"Kite rises highest against the wind, not with it"

Does it bang your head when u read this?

dunno bout u guys, but this word of wisdom does bang my head. I've heard this like 2 months ago..from my current boss...and i still think of this thing over and over again..i dunno why but it maybe strike my heart, life and everything...

It means that wtv u dream of in this world is not that easy to achieve it..u have to go through all the obstacles..
basically means that the world is : THE PEOPLE!
yup,,we have to go through all of the people...believe me, who in this world were really sincerely happy for what you have achieve? Ur Folks? they should as they are the one who  rise us...
Our sibling? they might say in their heart " god I should have done better than her!why nobody ever proud what i've achieved, why her?"
Cousins and relative " ya rite, let see how far she can go..i bet i'll do much better than her!"
Friends "Im happy for you dear," whereas deep inside he said " damn, why she always got everything!I should be on her place, not her!"

Im sure 1000s peop out there DON'T agree with me as 1000s people out there agree with me..
maybe u don't agree with me cause I talk like crap, and you are positive enough to think all the people around you will pray for your happiness....

I dunno guys but Im damn sick and tired of all these!
seriously,, all my life people keep misjudge me! all the way till now...
Me,,in my own words...

First impression: I look dumb..(If in WEST side -peop may called me Dumb Blonde)
But people never expect that I'm good in scoring my exam...
I've heard lot of these...

My face features,,
Look like Bossy,Hot-tempered,social,bla,bla,bla
ya rite..I should just say..
YES I AM...BUT.....I a moody kind of person..
once I' mad,,yes I'll show it,,I'll be crazy..
but tats it..im not keeping it in my heart..
I feel relieved once i release my anger..tats it---------

Im not a good Liar..even my face couldn't hide my feeling!!
Im sorry..who felt threaten  with my face!
so now u telling me im a hypocrite? tat is soo not me!
and I can't live in a lie...

Is it so hard to understand me and accept me??
I'm sorry but i'm not perfect
I can't be wtv u expected me to be
I just can't

I'm not forcing anybody to accept me,
If it's meant to be that I'll be alone for the rest of my life,
I accept it,
If nobody in the world can stand me.


Saturday, July 16, 2011


Hey gurls!!
how'll??I'm freakingly bz afta my e-day..
i noe i promise to put up the e-day pix..haha..
as u noe now i'm bak in KL for good..n noe wat it's suppose to mean..
I'm bz wit work n ada free time je dating...hehe...'mentang2 la dokat ajer ngn hubby nyer opis...hehehe..
But today I'm in Kuantan!tah pa per tah..I already quit the job in Kuantan..n some kind of phobia wit kuantan....bole plak SPA put Kuantan tpt exam??
nak dijadikan cter..i x da la bz2 sgt looking for job afta I quit,,
Alhamdullillah rezeki I x putus..the day i quit..without any planning..the next day it self i've start a new job...so x der la menganggur...(rezeki org bertunang kot??) or could be..bila kita dianiaya tuhan makbulkan doa kite..may be lah kot...
so as I remembered last year kot I apply for SPA..
So I pon mmg xda la sebok2 nak cek mail box email smua..
all of sudden bole plak smlm ternmpak surat I..kebetulan my sis rajin bkk mailbox..
dalam hati i..hmmm musti da tlepas..tgk2 eh 16 July..Esok!huh?Kuantan??y meh??
So afta balik keje tat nite shoot g Kuantan..
dlm hati i mls je nak g..x smpat kot nak prepare aper2..
org len siap bli buku smua....
xper lah..i pon rasa cam nak try..redah jer...
leh jln2 kuantan makan ana ikan bakar..sodapnyer sutung!
yay..x titon mlm hokay!
mengong otak i da berkarat..alhamdulillah I've done it!

Ok gurls..I juz nak hupdate jer...windu sgt..


Thursday, May 5, 2011

I'm Officially Engaged! Alhamdullillah~

Hye Gurls..
How are today??greaatttttt teacher!..hehe
(yesterday I'm teaching english..so..hehe..poyo!)
Alrite..Alhamdulillah..I selamat ditunangkan with my tunang..
I'm so thankful to Allah..everything goes well...
Can u imagine..3 days before it's raining like cat and dog!!..
lecah banjir everywhere...
I'm so damn worried that I haven't slept for a week!
Thank god on the Day..
it was hot sun..nice wheather (eventho I'm a puteri lilin, xsuka panas,tp majlis begini,tat's wat we call a good wheather!)
i'm glad happy,speechless,,,
overall only 48% is according to my plan..the rest..Itot Qada' & Qadar...
tp,,mmg meriah..ske sgt...
13 car from his side..
total guest around 500..
1st round org kampung makan dulu..mmg ramai..
then, my family belah my mom and my dad's side..
then, rombongan lelaki makan,,penuh dua khemah!
tp mmg x kelam kabut..koz time depa mkn,,x da guest lain kacau,,koz everybody da makan..
and they all siap tambah! mintak mangkuk besa nak kaut ikan patin gulai tempoyak!!!
overall mmg seronok sgt...hehe..
I x pat nak share everything in 1 post..I'll upload more pictures okies..
mark my words..
I'm still waiting pictures from our OP..

this is picture from 1 of my fionce cousin...

So Long guys! Miss u!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

e-day final checklist 2 days to go!

Hey gurls,,
2 days to go!
Here are the final list:
(all the red font are the updates)

official e-day
Venue = at mama's hometown, Kuala Kangsar
Date = 30th Apr 2011, Saturday
Time = After Zuhur
Total guest = Haven't decide , 300 pax; from his family 15 cars is confirmed!
Save the date for Wedding = haven't discuss we just put it as 1 year CONTRACT!HAHA
Hantaran n mas kawin = hantaran decided and both side agreed, mas kawin still under discussion Mama told them already, HubBee.2 bee still Q about it..haih..

white gold diamond ring = HubBee.2.be bought already!

Preparing myself
E-dress = mama's bought me saree , sent to tailor ( bju kurong moden), done! and alter it to fit my body!
Make up = adeq will be my MUA, trial make up I'll make up myself!go for natural makeup!!
Lens = Need to buy grey lens tonite!
Fake eye lashes = find it at home & try, mama already bought a dozen of it found it!need to buy the glue!
Hair = decide to do princess style hair d0, trial hair do with adeq, need to see Jack do hair treatment!couldn't make it!just do sanggul n put up hairband and selendang!
Hair Band = DIY lace + ribbon hair bandx jadi as I will put up sanggul tinggi and bling2 hairband!
Veil = still under considerationBought lace kat Jackel,since it' so lovely,i'm gna make a baju..and will wear selendang as veil.!

mini dais
Theme = blush pink + off white + turqoise
Back drop = off white, mama's bought off white curtain, DIY curtain!done!
Flower = need to buy off white + blush pink artificial flowers cancel!
Ranting kayu = got it at home
Seat = foldable matress, DIY cover- off white with lace
Carpet = off white, got already at my sis hse
Crystal = transparent + soft pink for background will use crytal from kakak's chandelliar!
Small pillow = use what I have in collection, might buy new oneuse what I have!
Hand bouquets = Still under consideration, off white + blush pink cancel!

Hantaran for HubBee.2.be
Theme = Off White + turquoise
Amount = He'll gv me 7 , so I gv 9
Wood Basket = off white, buy 9!cinderella carriage and it's gna be 13!
Ribbon & net fabrics = need to buy 2 meters? to wrap out the basketsmore than wtv i thot of!
Things inside Hantaran = Both side agreed to gv food only , as for wedding will gv fancy stuff!
1. Sirih junjung = petik kat kampong mama
2. Forrero rocher = hv to buy 30 pcs, enough??should be!bought 60 pcs! HubBee.2 be suwuh!
3. Cake = decide to order foundant cake from mama's friends, print the design alreadyPick up tml!
4. Candy = need to buy it a lot!Done!
5. Other chocolate = toblerone??dark choc??yummy! *for me eh??*may be will decide laterDone!
6. Fruits = like grapes and .......dunno yet, kiv Nope!
7.Shirts = may be Bought pink shirt for him to wear on eday! and bought baju nikah as hantaran!
8. Buku Agama = Is he goin to read it?? kivNope!
9. kuih
11. kuih
Tent = rm100, mama will book it booked 2 tent rm300!
Menu = Will be discuss with mama lauk kampong!
Catering = definitely no, org kampong aje lah
Door gift = Don't need it, mama n mak.2. be don't agree terbeli!!haha..very nice!!love it!yay!

USe up all mac n apr salary!GILA!
Is there anything that I've missed??hopefully not!..guys wish me luck..hahaha..tml goin bak and will do last preparation on Friday!

Monday, April 25, 2011

majlis menyambut menantu -before tunang??

hey gurls..mish blogging so much!!5 days to go!!
arggh..btw..does the title sound weird rite??
it's majlis menyambut menantu sempena tunang,,it's like memperkenalkan I to his family..
owhh i can't sleep ok tat nite..tiba2 feel like majlis e-day ku dipercepatkan!..
too many things to think about..which is:
1.what baju shud I wear? x nak cantik sgt and x nak burok sgt..
2.make up?x nak x pakai lagsung huduh plak nanti,,klu over,,nanti same plak make up mase tunang?
3.baju baru siap kat dlm kete azam,,dia tgal kete kat umah ank sedara dia,,dia g china..
last2,,pakai baju raya!!haha..

I plak kje tat saturday,,so,i da make up siap2,,paki bju kurung,,then afta work stret go to HubBee.2 hse..
masyaallah ramai gler org..mcm nak kawen dah ak rase!

I pakai baju kurng pahang,hitam putih,byk manek2..
pakai selendang jarang,
pakai kasut espadrilles..
i x suka make up natural,tp jd plak tat day..haha
ok la not bad..

sampai2 trus g kat mak.2be..
she introduced me to all her friends and family..
ada plak yg ucap.."tahniah,,selamat pengantin baru!"
huh??i plak blur gler..hahaha..
apa da..

my HubBee.2.be??
wah..bz gler..hahaha,,siap amek cuti tat friday hokeh..
klakar la..it's a great experience..cuma rase pelik..koz everybody like over excited we all nak bertunang..
padahal,,we're just getting engage je..blum kawen lagi..
maybe,,it's a first wedding on his side ..
mine pon first gak,,tp x da la excited sgt..hehehe..

sedih koz i x pat nak bergambar with him..we wore same color black n white okies..
this is the only pikca that I hv,,on my way to his hse..but without selendang koz dalm kete..hehe..panas..
x pakai lip gloss lagi..hik2..tp color lebih krg je..i mmg ske nude color!

last but not least..please doakan everything is fine for my real e-day! 
anybody who read this post..
Just PM me for the address and all that ok..

Friday, April 15, 2011

Put family first..forget them not!

Hye girls,,just quick update from me..
I tell u,,,chasing happiness is not that easy,,seriously,,
I was the type tat "didn't believe in happily ever after in marriage"
seriously i am...
but, all tat has changed after I'm seeing my dear HubBee.2.be..
and guess wat? not forgetting my lovely mama and papa..
I'm freakingly stress this week..
I wanna gv my best on my e-day preparation..
I wanna do it perfectly how I picture it..
seriously...since I can feel tat for my real wedding will be organized by my Mak.2.be..
so this is the only chance for me to do it like how'd I picture of my dream wedding..
So, as far as u know,things happen not according to wat u've plan..
honestly,,my prepration cost is over my budget already!
my huge challenge is on his family guest..around 100 pax..
As for total guest maybe 300++...
And the menu..not the usual menu..
mama promised to do spesel kampung menu...
like ikan keli sambal,ikan patin tempoyak,ikan talapia and all that..
and not forgetting durian for everybody..
which mean,,extra budget for kinda menu rite..
if u eat this kind of menu at the restaurant..i'm sure it's gonna be 100+! 
yup..And I agree with that menu also,koz i want it to be memorable,,since we do it in mama's hometown..
It's far away ok! kuala kangsar,perak,,
so i wanna appreciate all my guest..
And my budget..HAHAHAHAHA...
So yesterday night I was cried again on my bed...
My parents are divorced...
Nobody is going to help me..
I was helpless..
have to do it all on my own...

And a miracles happen this morning..
Papa text me and he says that he'll bank in for Kenduri Budget..
and my tears are falling again...
and this morning,,mama saids,,she'll top up on wat's papa gave..
and here i am again..crying...

Thanks mama papa,,
thanks for everything..
Love u guys..

doing all the preparation..
actually gives a lotsa moral value..
feel closer to my family..
we all sleep late,,to do all the hantaran..
as best as we could..
I dunno..
eventho my family is not tat perfect 1 happy family..
indeed,we have each other...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Hey girls..
I am so UNsleepable!!haha..
It's nearer! I'm so nervous!
Guess what?My dreams hantaran come true!
I'd always wanted hantaran full of rose flowers and crystal surrounding it..and I want it to be so soft and sweet..and after fight here and there,,explaining to everybody how i want it, Finally yesterday we made it!
Yay!!I'll share with u guys how we DIY it!
hope that i can publish the picture,,but need  to save it for that spesel day to come..okies??
And ya,the door gift also cute and sweet,,Love it sooo much!!
And the best thing is my baju nikah..
not grey,not white,,but..heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

bz, hactic, 3 weeks 3 days to go!!

OMG gurls,,I know I've been busy lately,,
can't catch up with all blogger friends..
mish u guys so much..
promise will update everything once everything is settle down!!
and ya,,to update, this weekend goin to buy baju nikah to put in my e-hantaran!
and guess what..not blush pink or off white...
sooo sad.....
Have to choose grey………….T_T
Sue, nak beli baju nikah warna ape?
mmmm..sue ske warna (nak ckp putih,tp tatot kne reject trus..so belek magazine pengantin, tnjk warna blush pink)..
sue ske warne camnie…slow2 je..
aunty ske warne grey lah sue..cantik…aunty mmg berkenan, mcm induk pon nikah warne grey,,mcm mawi n ekin pun grey..
hmm,,ok,,aunty dr aritu asek sbut grey jer…
Adik mak.2.be: alah sue itot je la,pilihan mak mentua..dah teringin sgt tuh..
Ok lah,,ok lah,,grey..
Ok,,nanti mgu depan kite g beli okay…

Hmm..my mom also saids the same thing..mom said don’t mentioned anything on WHITE! People won’t like it!..
Hmm,,then??try your best make mak2be happy!ok!
Ya rite,,I will..only for solemnization ok..not for my big,,definitely no!!!NO!!!
I want off white, or champagne!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

career,love and happiness,,I've chose ........

Hye gurls..today is my last day as Microbiologist in RT-Biofarm...
It's hard to left something that you crave for....
between career and happiness,,I can't take both..
Finally I chose happiness..
Money can't buy happiness....

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Seems like everybody's got a price,
I wonder how they sleep at night.
When the sale comes first,
And the truth comes second,
Just stop, for a minute and

Why is everybody so serious
Acting so damn mysterious
Got your shades on your eyes
And your heels so high
That you can't even have a good time

Everybody look to their left (yeah)
Everybody look to their right (ha)
Can you feel that (yeah)
We're paying with love tonight

It's not about the money, money, money
We don't need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the Price Tag
Ain't about the (uh) Cha-Ching Cha-Ching.
Aint about the (yeah) Ba-Bling Ba-Bling
Wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the Price Tag.

We need to take it back in time,
When music made us all unite
And it wasn't low blows and video hoes,
Am I the only one getting tired
Why is everybody so obsessed
Money can't buy us happiness
Can we all slow down and enjoy right now
Guarantee we'll be feeling Alright.

Everybody look to their left (yeah)
Everybody look to their right (ha)
Can you feel that (yeah)
We're paying with love tonight
It's not about the money, money, money
We don't need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the Price Tag
Ain't about the (uh) Cha-Ching Cha-Ching.
Aint about the (yeah) Ba-Bling Ba-Bling
Wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the Price Tag.


Yeah yeah
Well, keep the price tag
And take the cash back
Just give me six strings and a half stACK.
And you can keep the cars
leave me the garage
And all I..

Yes all I need are keys and guitars
And its with in 30 seconds I'm leaving to Mars
Yeah we leaping across these undefeatable odds
Its like this man, you can't put a price on the life
We do this for the love so we fight and sacrifice everynight
So we aint gon stumble and fall never
Waiting to see this in the sign of defeat uh uh
So we gon keep everyone moving their feet
So bring back the beat and then everyone sing

It's not about the money, money, money
We don't need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the Price Tag
Ain't about the (uh) Cha-Ching Cha-Ching.
Aint about the (yeah) Ba-Bling Ba-Bling
Wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the Price Tag.
It's not about the money, money, money
We don't need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the Price Tag
Ain't about the (uh) Cha-Ching Cha-Ching.
Aint about the (yeah) Ba-Bling Ba-Bling
Wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the Price Tag.

TAFN..TTYL...bubhye Kuantan..I'm starting a new life..ohh so soon..
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